TEASE Studies
The TEASE trials consist of four clinical studies of gildeuretinol acetate (ALK-001) in Stargardt disease, denoted as TEASE-1, TEASE-2, TEASE-3 and TEASE-4.
- The TEASE-1 study was a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial in 50 patients with Stargardt disease. (Completed)
- The TEASE-2 trial is an ongoing, fully enrolled, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial in 80 patients with Stargardt disease, expected to read out topline data in 2025.
- TEASE-3 is an ongoing open-label study designed to assess gildeuretinol in early-stage Stargardt patients.
- TEASE-4 is an open-label extension study.